Thursday, July 28, 2016


After twenty one years and four months (effective 1 October), I am now unemployed.  But this is the best type of unemployed because even though I no longer have any responsibilities or duties, I am still getting paid :-)  I don't start at UCCS until 15 Aug, so I have some free time on my hands.  Not sure what I'll do...maybe write that novel :-)

We had a small luncheon for my going away.  It's hard to have big events USAFA over the summer, as there aren't many people around.  Plus, I'm not one to really love the spotlight, so a nice casual event was perfect.  The highlight had to have been the greatest gift anyone has ever gotten Ashley.  My boss really puts some thought into these presents.  He's a closet Raider's fan, so he tried to figure a tie between the Oakland Raiders and the Auburn Tigers.  He immediately came up with Bo Jackson (as did Ashley when he was giving his little speech).  Thus, Col Butler got Ashley an Auburn football signed by Bo Jackson with a certificate of authenticity and everything.  I'm glad I didn't get her anything, as nothing could top this present.
Bode was able to come to the lunch.  Afterwards, he joined me for a "victory lap" around the Terrazzo--my last time on the USAFA campus without needing an escort.  Hard to believe over 25 years have passed since my first time officially on campus.  Scary.  Here are some pictures.  First up is Bode man--perhaps he'll be in the Class of 2028.
Next is Bode in front of one of the airplanes.
Finally, a picture of the Class of 1995 crest.  Good times.
Not sure what I will do tomorrow.  I have a final outprocessing appointment at 0900.  Afterwards, no responsibilities what-so-ever. :-)  Pleasant day to all.

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