Friday, July 22, 2016


For the past week, Bode and Ashley have been in Houston, Texas.  They planned this trip in early May, and it was the perfect week for them to be gone.  As you know, Harley had her surgery last week, and she's been convalescing this week.  The first few days weren't very good--lots of whimpering and staggering around, so it was good that Bode wasn't here to see that because it would upset him.  I'm happy to say our girl is doing well, and is really getting along considering she's had three legs for only a week.  I'll post some pictures of her next time (I want to get some pictures of her and Bode).  For now, this post is strictly about Bode and Ashley's big trip to Houston.

So why Houston?  Ashley's cousin, Penny, and her husband, Milton, lived in Houston until ~2011.  They then moved to Pittsburgh, and were there for five years, and recently moved back this summer, building what they consider to be their dream retirement home.  The place did not disappoint, having everything from a swimming pool to built in slushy-machines at the outdoor bar, of which Bode averaged three a day.  I don't really have a day-by-day sequence of events.  I'm limited to the pictures Ashley sent me from her phone.  I do know they both had a great time, and it was awesome for the two of them to get to spend some time together.

I think the first night in Houston (or maybe it was the second), they went to dinner that also had a nice aquarium.  Here's Bode in front of some big fish.
They also went to a place called Top Golf.  Bode did a mini-golf camp earlier this summer, and his Grammy has taken him twice on the course.  Top Golf is a big driving range, and each ball has a GPS tracker, so you can know your distance and see if you hit the targets.  Here's Bode, addressing the ball, prior to smashing a long iron 200+ yards (well, maybe it wasn't that far...)
On one of the days, Milton took everyone out on Lake Conroe for some boating and tubing.  The next three pictures are from this event.  First is Bode sitting with Callie, Penny and Milton's youngest daughter (she's 15 and will be learning to drive soon).
Next is a picture of Bode driving the boat.  I don't think he was tall enough to reach the pedals, so Milton had to cover the throttle.
The highlight of the boat-trip had to have been the tubing.  Ashley said Milton really liked to push the throttle, which made for some big bumps on the water.
Bode averaged a few hours a day in the pool.  The kid had it rough--not sure how he'll adjust to school once it starts again in a month.
After seeing these pictures, I concluded that next summer, we all are going back :-)  Ashley and Bode fly home today--it'll be nice to see them again, and I'm sure Bode is excited to see Harley.  I'll post an update on her in a few days.  Pleasant day to all.

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