Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Harley Recovering

It's been almost two weeks since Harley had her leg amputated.  I'm thrilled to say she's doing extremely well.  There were some initial bumps--learning to walk on three legs when you are used to four is probably pretty challenging.  We had to help her a bunch, but now, she's really moving around quite well.  First, some nice pictures of our girl.  The first one is of Harley eating, which she thoroughly loves now that we are giving her some wet dog food with her meals.
Next is a picture (a bit blurry I know) of Harley hanging out in front of our house.
And finally, Harley with her boy.
Bode is so happy that Harley is doing well.  And honestly, we don't know what's going to happen, but we do know we will love on her every day, appreciate this extra time with her, and hope for the best.

Some of you have expressed some skepticism regarding a dog's ability to get around on three legs. Here's Harley moving around and checking some things out.
And I think she gets around better than even the video shows--you should see her almost sprint when it's dinner time :-)

I only have two more days in the Air Force, and then I will be unemployed.  Anybody want to hang out or do something?  Pleasant day to all.

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