Friday, March 25, 2016

Spring Break #1

This past week was Bode's and my spring break.  We planned ahead and reserved our mountain estate for the entire week.  Monday was a beautiful day--temps were probably in the 50's by mid-afternoon. Bode saw someone skiing in shorts, which made him laugh.  There weren't many people there either, which made it doubly awesome.  Bode has become a great skier, so much so that we don't mind skiing with him.  Before, we did a lot of greens (a lot of greens!), which, while fun for him, was not that challenging for Ashley or me.  The last few times skiing, Bode has ventured onto some of the black diamond runs, and he's come away unscathed.  Thus, we tried to get a little more adventurous this go.  First, we headed to the top of the Mercury lift to get warmed up.  It'd been ~three weeks since Bode had skied, and he was a little rusty.
We did a few runs, and then convinced Bode to head over to the top of Peak 8.  The route consists of some solid blues and blacks.  We got to the Peak 8 SuperConnect lift without any problems and headed to the top.  We then skied over to 6-Chair via Frosty's Freeway, which has some good bumps and moguls.  Bode had never been up 6-Chair, which takes you above tree-line.  We stopped for some pictures.  Note the absence of vegetation.
I then skied to the other side of Ashley and Bode and took a picture of them with the Imperial lift in the background.  We couldn't convince Bode to go up--maybe next season.
I took a movie as we skied down--it's harder to film Bode now, especially on the steeper terrain, as I need to pay attention to what I'm doing, lest I end up with a real funny video of me wiping out.
At this point, Bode's confidence was sky-high.  Thus, we suggested we try Peak 10.  Back in January, we took Bode up the Falcon Superchair lift.  He was able to ski down, but he did not like it--was far too steep in scary.  A much different story this time.  Note the confident stride as Bode approaches the start of the run.
Ashley led us down, and Bode followed.  I had to work to keep up with him.  In fact, I yelled, "Bode, let's stop so you don't get too tired," acting as if I were worried about him, when, in fact, I wanted to rest my legs before we continued down.  When we got to the bottom, Bode proclaimed Peak 10 his new favorite.  We did lunch at Downstairs at Eric's, and then lazed around the house the rest of the day.  One of us took a nap...
Next up:  a trip to Keystone and some tubing.

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