Friday, March 25, 2016

Dog Buddies

The dogs have been together for over two years, and I think they really like each other.  When they sleep, Joey likes to snuggle up next to Harley, who really doesn't like to be bothered when she's sleeping (a lot like Ashley).  However, I think Harley is too tired to try to get away from Joey, so she tolerates him.  I took the below pictures the other day while I was cleaning the house.  Harley and Joey were perched on a little landing area on our stairs.  Neither moved much--just watched me as I cleaned up the large amounts of dog hair that fill our house.
Joey is quite the playful dog.  Almost too playful, as he has way to much energy.  He does like to play, and he makes some noises that sound very aggressive while doing so.  I must admit that if I didn't know him, I'd be afraid of him.  However, while it looks like he's biting my feet, he is very gentle, and whenever he puts his teeth on something that's soft (e.g. my skin), he never puts any pressure on me--apparently he knows the taste difference between shoes and the alpha male.
I'm quite amazed my Achilles tendon doesn't get ripped to shreds when we play these little games :-)  Pleasant day to all.

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