Saturday, February 13, 2016

Charlie's Birthday

We had an epic snowstorm at the start of February.  Over a three-day span, we got close to twenty inches of snow at our house.  Bode's school was cancelled for three days, so we all spent some quality time indoors, trying to avoid the snow madness.  I took some pictures.  First is me measuring a large pile on our patio table.  The pile doesn't do the amount of snow justice, as the snow compacts once it starts to get heavy.  Still, it's a good idea of the amount of snow we were getting.
I also took some pictures once I the snow (so I had thought) stopped after shoveling the driveway.   We probably got another three or four inches after these pictures were taken.
The most telling picture is the first picture.  The snow cliff is the difference between the snow I had shoveled and the snow on the street.  Obviously my little car was going nowhere.  We did venture out, and the Xterra did make it up to the street...sort of.  We got stuck just past the light pole.  I had to shovel a path so we could get the car back in the driveway.  We had a nice time at home, although it did get a little nervy sitting inside.  We played some games, watched movies, and Ashley managed to get some work done, as she had the foresight to bring home her work computer.

Today we headed up to Denver for Charlie's 7th birthday party.  The party was held at a Ninja-Warrior-esque facility.  The games and obstacles were sort of a cross between American Ninja Warrior and the old American Gladiators show.   I tried to take some action pictures, but nothing really came out all that great.  Since I don't claim to be a photog, I've no problem showing my less-than-exemplary pictures.  First up is a shot of the set.
There was a coach that monitored the kids and showed them how to do the various exercises and obstacles.  In this next picture, note the person at the top of the rope ladder.  That is none other than Teddy "Concussion" Rankin, who has a history of whacking his head and getting injured.  Fortunately he managed to make it through today without a trip to the ER.
There were some other games where the kids tried to knock each other off various platforms using some cool weapons.  Of course, they needed to wear a helmet, as Bode is doing in this picture.
Teddy surprised us by climbing up this rubbery chute that went from the ground to the ceiling.
The chute is that black rubber hose in the above picture.  The kids can start at the ground and try to make it to the top.  Bode tried but didn't get too far.
Teddy got all the way to the top.  Amazing skills, and doubly amazing that he wasn't injured :-)
That bulge in the top of the chute is Teddy.  After an hour or so of playing, it was time for some cake.
Of course, we had to sing.  I tried to convince Charlie to use his birthday wish for his favorite Uncle to get a new car.  Not sure if he obliged me.
It's hard to believe Charlie is seven and Teddy turns nine in a month and Bode is eight...very scary :-)  Not much going on this President's Day weekend.  We will try to play some games, and maybe some swimming.  We deemed it to busy of a weekend for skiing--maybe in a couple weeks.  Pleasant day to all.

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