Sunday, January 31, 2016


What a great day so far.  We woke up and skipped breakfast because we were heading down to the Broadmoor for a nice Sunday brunch.  We needed to stop for gas on the way, which is not near an awful experience as stopping for gas was back in 2008 when gas topped $4 per gallon.  We do our grocery shopping at King Soopers, which gives back money on gas purchases at various stores.  To my surprise (and elatement), we were at $1 off per gallon of gas.  And since it was snowing, we had the Xterra, meaning we had a bigger tank to fill.  I almost couldn't believe my eyes as I put in 15.473 gallons of gas for the whopping price of $9.27, just under $0.60 per gallon.  I was tempted to offer to fill up other cars for $1 per gallon, but I'm sure that would be some sort of crime.  And like I said, we were headed to breakfast.

Normally we would stop for some nice pictures outside, but it was snowing and everyone was cold.  The best I could get was a couple of backs to me as they rushed through the cold.
We arrived, checked in, and were immediately seated.  Talk about service :-)  Before we headed to the buffet, we took some quick pictures.
We then attacked the buffet line with vigor.  Bode found the shrimp and crap claws, which he loved, and he also tried some lamb and the raw fishes.  And who can forgot the giant bowl of blueberries.
We each made a few trips to the main food lines.  Ashley likes the fresh meats and cheeses, along with some of the hotter food.  I like the shrimp, the meats, and for some reason, I really like the waffles.  I'm not normally a waffle-guy, but the fresh-made waffles are my thing when we go to brunch.  I think it's the large array of toppings--warm maple syrup, strawberry sauce, and what waffle isn't complete without some chocolate chips.  After the main course(s), we topped things off with dessert and tea.  Bode got a large bowl of ice cream which he devoured.
We had a wonderful meal this morning and have been digesting ever since.  It's cold and snowy outside, but we have a fire going, so it's nice and toasty in here.  Forecast is for more snow--maybe a foot by tomorrow.  I'm thinking school will be cancelled--nothing like starting a week with a snow day!!! Pleasant day to all.

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