Saturday, March 15, 2014

Ski Day

There were no classes at my work on Friday.  Therefore, we left Bode outside in the cold hoping he would get "sick" and wouldn't be able to attend school :-) He sounded a little hoarse Thursday afternoon, so we figured he might endanger the other kids.  Ashley had the foresight to book us a two-night stay at a condo in the mountains on the off chance of an illness.  Good thing she's such a forward thinking Mommy.  We had the perfect ski day on Friday.  Bode was excited about ski-school, and we dropped him off right around 0800.
He had done this particular school before and showed no reservation about Mommy and Daddy leaving (he could at least fake some of that).  Ashley and I headed over to the slopes.  The lifts didn't open until 0830, so we had time for some pictures.
Note the absence of people in the picture of me.  We had thought the mountain would be packed with people because we tried to go to dinner Thursday night, and every restaurant had over an hour wait.  We were optimistic when we headed out to the lift and saw almost no one.  We headed up Quicksilver lift, got off, and skied down to the second lift.  I snapped these "action" pictures of Ashley as she came towards me.  Again, note there are NO other people in any of the pictures.
Ashley then grabbed the camera and took a shot of me.
We then headed up the lift to the top of Peak 10.  We exited, took in the scenery, and then headed down for the first of five straight runs with virtually no one else on the mountain.
We skied for a couple hours, and then took a break for some tea.  We then headed over to Peak 9 and then Peak 8.  We rode up the Imperial lift to above tree-line.  There wasn't a cloud in the ski, but up there, it was a little windy.  We decided one run was enough.  Here's Ashley headed down--she's the one of the far left in the pictures.  Very cool.
Bode had a blast at ski school.  We got there around 3:00 in time to see him do some practice runs on the little bunny hill.  We were elated to find out the instructors had taken him up the big lift three times. I think he's ready to go back for more :-)  I'll post some of Ashley's pictures later.  Here's the shot the ski-school took of him.  He's so grown up.
We're back in C-Springs for the weekend.  Not sure what we'll do--maybe some laundry.  A bit of a let-down compared to yesterday.  Pleasant day to all.

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