Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Summer Vacation: Interlude

California is exhausting.  I can see why everyone is so laid back--they're tired.  Every now and then, we needed a nap.  Well, Ashley needed one, probably because she got up a 0545 and went to a Crossfit gym for a workout.  Hopefully she lifted enough weight for all of us.  One afternoon, Ashley was napping, so I started playing around with her camera.  Ashley has a SLR Nikkon Super Spectacular Picture-Taker-inator (if you don't watch Phineas and Ferb, this won't be funny to you).  I have a small, Lumix camera, about the size of my hand.  Ashley's camera has a few more bells and whistles, not to mention you can just press the button and take about a thousand pictures.  The following are 13 sequenced shots--it's almost like an old-time flip-er-rama.  I include these pictures as evidence for a future lawsuit against Ashley for her attacking me.

Here's the first picture.  Ashley and Bode relaxing.  I think Ashley is telling me to stop taking pictures.  She's still laughing, but starting to get annoyed.
 In this picture, Ashley's smile is gone and she's upset.  Like any good camera man, I keep things rolling.
 With catlike speed, Ashley is up.  I felt like how an antelope feels when a cheetah springs.
A pause by Ashley, thinking her first flinch might have convinced me to stop shooting.  Ah, dear girl, you should know better.  Note how Bode is hardly moving in these pictures--he knows to be very still when a predator is on the move.
 Ashley has had enough.
 The decision has been made, and she accelerates to full speed.
 Leaping off the bed in one fluid motion.  Again, note motionless Bode.  Well played, my son.
 The pursuit is on.
 Both feet are on the ground, and I only have seconds left.
 She rounds the corner of the bed, somehow pivoting on her right arm, which looks to be in an unattainable position.
 She starts to cock her right arm, getting ready to deliver the death blow.
 Like a shark moving in for the kill, her eyes roll back.
She strikes with the savagery of a woman who was trying to nap only to be bothered by her annoying husband.
Due to the graphic content, this website would not allow me to post the remaining photographs.  They are particularly gruesome and not for the young at heart.   Fortunately, I escaped with my life, but my "good-camera" privileges were revoked.

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