Saturday, June 1, 2013

Party and Swimming

Today, Bode attended Abby's birthday party.  Abby is the youngest girl in Bode's preschool class, and according to her parents, is very relieved to finally be five.  The party was held at a local bouncy house store.  The kids were thrilled.  Here are some pictures of Bode doing what he does best.
Bode and I raced through the obstacle course.  He won, although I don't think I tried as hard as I could have.
After some hard playing, it was time for some cupcakes and ice-cream, all with a Mickey Mouse theme.
After stuffing their bellies, we wanted to get a picture.  Unfortunately, as soon as the kids were back in the play area, they all took off on the obstacle course.
We managed to get the herd back together for a nice group photograph.
Bode had a lovely time at Abby's party.  Afterwards, Bode had a swim lesson.  You may recall Bode is a Dolphin (Level 4).  There are eight stickers which he needs to earn to become a Seal.  Before today's lesson, he only had two of them.  He's really starting to do stuff that looks like swimming--moving his arms, sort of breathing on the side, and doing the racing start from the side of the pool.  Of course, he hasn't quite mastered some of the fundamentals.  Here is Miss Jade showing Bode how to best alternate his arms.
Here's a movie of Bode putting together is entire swim arsenal.
After the lesson, Miss Jade said Bode earned three more stickers.  He's up to five on the Dolphin Level--three more and our little guy is a Seal.  Amazing!

Not much else going on today.  I had my 40th birthday and received lots of lovely presents.  Tomorrow, we are going to the Broadmoor for brunch.  Thus, we are fasting until then :-)  Pleasant day.

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