Friday, June 14, 2013

Nana and Papa

Ashley's parents are here for a month.  No, they're not staying with us--Harley would probably drive Frank nuts.  They have a camper, and they hauled it up here from Florida and are staying in the Famcamp playground on the Air Force Academy.  Bode loves the camper, and he'd stay there every night if he was allowed.  Over the weekend, David came down with Teddy and Charlie.  The boys love playing together.  Here's a nice shot of Bode and me on a big rock with Charlie in the foreground.
The boys went to a playground and did some running around.  Here is a cute one of Bode.
On Monday, we all went to the zoo.  The kids love feeding the giraffes.  Look how big that tongue is!
Next time we need to remember to bring a whole head of lettuce.  The zoo sells five pieces of lettuce for two bucks.  Seems like a scam.
The zoo upgraded their elephant exhibit.  Still doesn't seem like a large enough area for elephants to be happy...
The Cheyenne Mountain zoo has probably the most scenic view of all zoos in the country (not that I've been to more that three of them, but as I blogger, I feel qualified to give an expert opinion on anything).
Near the play area was an old, wrecked airplane (or some sheet metal painted as such).
The peacocks get to run wild at the zoo.  Charlie managed to p*ss one off :-)
We stopped at the leopard cage.  For the longest time, we couldn't see anything--some folks concluded the leopard wasn't even in the cage.  Fortunately, I used my tracking skills, honed by 18 years in the military, and located the beast.  Despite the photographic evidence, Nana still couldn't see the leopard.  Those spots do work.
The tiger was very active, probably because he lives right next to the eatery.  I could smell the food cooking, so I can only imagine what the tiger must think.  Thank heavens this fence was between us, or I would have been his lunch.
No trip to the zoo is complete without a ride on the carousel.  We need to time this better, because we always seem to do this after lunch.
We had a lovely time at the zoo.  Afterwards, we treated ourselves with a trip to Jersey Mikes, our favorite sub shop from Dayton that finally has a franchise in Colorado Springs :-)  This past Sunday, I ran the Garden of the Gods 10-mile run, and finished in 71:50.  I ran this same race over 10 years ago.  My time was 79:45.  Thus, every ten years, I drop seven minutes from my time.  Imagine how fast I'll be when I'm 50! Pleasant day to all.

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