Sunday, September 23, 2012


We signed Bode up for soccer.  Unfortunately, we missed the first two practices / games because we were in Mississippi and Breckenridge the past two weekends.  We were worried he was going to be behind his teammates in terms of skill level.  Turns out, we were worried for nothing.  Ashley took Bode to his first game yesterday.  It was also team picture day.  Here's a shot of Bode and his team, the Flames.
There are quite a few girls on the tam.  Plus, the age group is 3 - 5, which means Bode is one of the bigger players.  Mom told him to sharpen up his elbows and take no prisoners when attacking the ball--"Don't think of the opponent as a girl.  Think of her as the one thing standing between you and a good referral to Santa."  Once he heard this, Bode got that killer "Michael Jordan" look in his eyes and it was on.
The game wasn't very exciting...until Bode figured out he was supposed to kick the ball past the opponents goalie rather than straight to her.  When he realized this, he scored a G-O-A-L!
Turns out, we can't show the footage of the goal on this website--something about copyright laws and ESPN.  He ran really hard for two quarters.  Then, he was tired.  We need to work on his stamina.

We had a somewhat lazy weekend.  I couldn't go to Bode's game because I was running the Denver half marathon.  I ran it with Dave (Ashley's brother).  After months of intense training and smack-talking, Dave proceeded to beat me with a time of 1:29:20 to my 1:30:39.  There are pictures of the event at  You have to search on my last name, my bib number (1583), and the event (Rock and Roll Denver Marathon).  None are particularly awesome, but if you have time to kill, it might help you avoid work.  Last night, we watched the Auburn Tigers lose a squeeker to LSU, 12-10, watched Air Force lose to UNLV 38-35, and then today watched the Steelers lose to Oakland (of all teams), 34-31.  It's not really a banner year for the McGuirks for sports.  Oh well--there is always next year :-)  This week, Ashley and I celebrate our 13th anniversary.  She asked me what I was getting her. I pointed out we took a trip to Starkville to see Auburn play and also to her little sports toy in the garage.  She said, "Oh, I thought those were my everyday presents."  Hilarious :-)  Pleasant week to all.

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