Sunday, September 30, 2012

More Soccer

Bode had his second soccer game on Saturday.  He's not very aggressive.  I think he would rather talk and play with the other kids, and this soccer thing just gets in the way.  He also tends to pout if he doesn't get his way.  For example, the coach asked, "Who wants to play goalies?"  I'm pretty sure Bode had no idea what that was, but other kids were putting their hands up, so he felt obliged to do so.
At some point, after getting over the goalie disappointment, the kids were running.  Here is an action shot.
After some obligatory practice, it was time to play.  I took some movies.  In this first movie, Bode is right there in the heart of the action.
As you can see, he had a breakaway, but could not convert.  In this next clip, you will see "tired Bode," which means he was ready for the post-game snack.
He's like an old Kareem Abdul Jabbar--he doesn't quite make it back down field :-)  After soccer, Bode informed us he wanted to go to "Soup 'er Salad."  Of course, he got pizza.

Auburn did not play this weekend, so it was relatively quiet at our home.  I took Bode to the pool a couple times, but for the most part, we simply relaxed.  Bode took some pictures of Harley.

Woof.  Pleasant week to all.

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