Sunday, September 16, 2012


We spent the weekend up in Breckenridge.  Our friends, Ron and Nancy from Ohio, came to town for a visit.  They arrived Thursday night.  I was working Friday morning when Ashley called me.  Ron and Nancy's rental car was stolen :-(  It was parked right in front of our house.  Evidently this isn't the best neighborhood :-)  Fortunately, they didn't have anything of value in the car--they had brought everything into the house, so no real damage, other than the aggravation of having your stuff stolen.  Sheesh.

After filing the police report, we headed up to Breckenridge.  We went for Friday night and Saturday night.  We thought it was going to be a mellow, relaxing, uncrowded weekend in the mountains.  We were pleasantly surprised to see it was Octoberfest in Breck, with half of Main Street closed, beer being survived, brats, schnitzel, strudel, and all sorts of goodies available, and plenty of merry festivalers.

We stayed at a nice two bedroom condo with the Blue River gurgling past our front door.  Here is a picture of Bode feeling the water.  Despite it being warm weather, the water was freezing.
Saturday morning, the Auburn game was on.  Ron and Nancy went for a hike up Peak 9.  Ashley was watching the Auburn game (they won--thankfully, 31-28 in OT).  Bode and I didn't feel like staying in, so we headed over to Main Street.  We quickly found a vendor who was giving away balloons.
I'm not sure why Bode is posed like he is--he didn't have to pee.  Maybe he's just being a guy, adjusting his equipment every so often :-)  Since it was 1130 in the morning, I thought, "Why not have a beer?"
Nothing hits the spot like a good Octoberfest beer before noon :-)  At some point, Mommy pulled herself away from the TV and joined us for lunch (must have been halftime).  Here are Mom and Bode walking down the street.
I had a nice giant turkey leg for lunch while Bode feasted on some sweet corn.  We sat next to some woman all decked out in her Auburn gear.  Evidently the Wareagle fans are everywhere.  Later in the day, we took the gondola up to the base of peak 8.  Bode loves to ride the gondola.
Here are shots of Nancy and Ron, also from the gondola.  When going over my photos, I realized we didn't have any good shots of them other than these :-(
There was a great little amusement park at the base of peak 8.  There was an alpine slide, a roller coaster, a maze, and some other odds and ends.  Here are some photos of Mommy and Bode in action.  First is simply a shot of the snow-less mountain.  Ski runs always look funny without any snow.
Next is a picture of Mommy and Bode on the alpine slide.
Next, Bode and Mommy successfully completed the maze, while I provided minimal assistance from a bird's-eye perch.
Bode then tried to do the big trampoline.  He was first.
We took a movie.  Bode lasted almost 10 jumps.  Afterwards, he was no longer amused :-)
Fall is definitely here.  I took this picture of the mountains and the usually snow-packed parking lot.  Weird seeing it like this.
We had a lovely visit to Breck.  It was great seeing Ron and Nancy, and we hope the loss of their rental car does not sour them on Colorado :-)  Auburn plays LSU this week.  Looks like it is shaping up to be a dismal season, but we won't write them off just yet.  Pleasant week to all.

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