Monday, May 7, 2012

New House

Things are going along in Ohio.  In case you haven't heard, we are moving to Colorado Springs.  We should be back there by 30 June.  In the mean time, we've been trying to sell our house here (20+ showings and no bites...sheesh).  We did have success finding a new home in Colorado.  Ashley picked it out with help from her Mom and my Mom.  I'm really no help in this arena, because, as they say, as long as she's happy, we're all happy.

The house is quite close to where we used to live.  Our previously house in Colorado was around 2,000 square feet.  The one we are buying tops out at 4800+.  Evidently we are getting bigger (although I think I weigh less now than I did back in 2000...interesting).  Here are some pictures of our new home.  We close in mid-June, so I guess I shouldn't call it ours until it actually is.

First, a shot of the kitchen--always an important feature in any house.
The house is a 3-bedroom home with an office nook, which I'm claiming as mine.  Here's a shot of the place where that novel will be finished :-)
The front of the house is nothing but windows.  In the basement is a little sun-room, which the current owners have been using as a workout area.  Note the installed pull-up bar!
What is likely the highlight of the house is the outdoor space.  The yard is fenced, so Harley is going to love her new empire.  The yard needs a bit of work, but we are very excited about have a nice, flat area for the four of us to play.
We are excited about moving back to Colorado, but very sad to be leaving all our dear friends in Ohio. We've really grown to like it here, and it's going to be difficult to say good-bye.  Unfortunately, moving was part of the deal when I signed up for the Air Force.  Here's hoping this is my last USAF-forced move :-)  Pleasant week to all.

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