Saturday, May 19, 2012

Busy Weekend

We have had a very busy weekend.  It all started Friday afternoon with the Preschool Extravaganza.  Each preschool class (four of them) at Bode's daycare performed three songs.  While the performances probably weren't on par with anything on TV (not saying much), it was enjoyable and funny to see the little ones on stage.  Some were not shy, grabbing the microphones, others sat and stared, while others cried and screamed.  Like I said, similar to an episode of the Kardashians...
Without further adieu, here are some shots of the little man in action.  He's the one in the blue and white striped shirt sitting down.
Bode's class sang three songs.  First was Twinkle Twinkle Little Star followed by a rousing rendition of Old MacDonald Had a Farm.  The big finale was When We All Get Together.  It was worthy of an encore (although we didn't get one).
We were very proud of our performer, although he isn't pining for the spot light.  He is starting to play the individual keys on the piano, which is a marked improvement to banging with his fists.

This morning, Ashley and I ran in the Oakwood 5K and 10K road race.  The course is somewhat challenging, as there is a significant hill on the 10K route.  Plus, it was rather warm this morning (yes, I'm putting the excuses out there now because I did not do as well as I had hoped).  Ashley finished the 5K in 26:22, earning a 3rd place trophy in her age group.  I did the 10K in 41:01, earning a 1st place trophy in my age group (was it wrong to sign up as a 53-year old?).  Our neighbor was nice enough to watch Bode while we raced, and for that, we are very grateful.

This afternoon, we went to a party.  It was a great party, but the reason for the party was somewhat depressing.  As you all know, we are moving, and this was our neighborhood's way of saying good-bye.  Doug and Tom cooked up an awesome pot of shrimp, sausage, corn, and potatoes, spiced up but not too much.  Doug was tempted to add a second bag of spice, but he figured most of us wouldn't be able to handle the Louisiana Hot he would have obtained (he was right).  Below are some pictures.
The party was a great time.  We ate too much, drank in moderation, and had a relaxing afternoon.

In preparation for this post, I downloaded all the images from the camera.  Bode takes a lot of pictures. He even posed his "friends" aka his stuffed animals on the bed and snapped some shots.  Here's the best one.
It's late right now--almost 9:00 pm.  Ashley and Bode are both asleep.  Evidently the day's events zonked them out.  I suppose I should get some sleep as well, but I think X Men: First Class is on HBO.  Maybe I'll watch...but probably for five minutes, and then I'll be out too.  Pleasant day to all.

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