Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ben's Birthday Party

Yesterday, Bode went to his buddy Ben's Birthday Bash (how's that for some opening alliteration). The party was at the Boonshoft Museum, which was great because it gave the kids lots of room to run around and burn off the sugar.

When they got there, the kiddos first made slime. They start with this green liquid, mix some other special magic potion, and voila! You get slime. Here's a picture of Bode the Mad Scientist going to work.
Next up was launching a rocket. It wasn't a real rocket. Rather, it was a film canister (remember those little black things film went in before the world went digital?), filled with water and an alka seltzer tablet. Put the lid on really fast and boom! The lid shot all the way to the ceiling. The kids were amazed and excited. We might try to do this at home some time (probably out in the driveway).

A big part of the afternoon was presents and cupcakes. Bode was very excited about the gift he brought. He has trouble not spilling the beans about what is in the wrapped present. Typically, he'll bring someone a present and say, "I got you XXX." Ashley tried to tell him to wait, and he did...for a little while. Bode was also very interested in all the presents. Here's a picture of Bode and some of the other kids looking at the gifts.
After the obligatory treats, the boys were cut loose in the museum. I should note it's not really a museum in the Smithsonian sense. Rather, it's a children's discovery museum, so there are lots of entertaining things for them. Here are some action photos. First up is Bode in a space ship. Little man is going to be an astronaut.
Next we have Bode and Ben "driving." Scary to think in only 12 years, these two nuts could be behind the wheel of a real car.
Finally, we have the garbage truck. The kids can put fake trash in the little recycling slots on the side of the truck and then watch it get dumped out the back. It's a huge hit and they really seem to like it. The garbage truck also has a flashing light and siren, so you can imagine what a hot-bed of kid activity it can be.
It rained all day yesterday. Today, the sun is out, but it looks windy, and it just isn't warm (yet). I think we'll go to the mall. Ashley wants to get some new jeans, and I think I might want to get a pair. No news on selling the house, but we're still hopeful. Ashley heads out to Colorado Springs in a week to do some house-hunting. Otherwise, it's same ol', same ol', but I think we both starting to realize (get terrified) that in two months, we're going to have to pack up the entire household and make the drive to Colorado. Lots to do :-) Pleasant week to all.

1 comment:

Mike Sans1 said...

They grow so fast. Faster than weeds!