Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter and Mini Golf

We had a very busy Easter weekend. Bode is still getting the gist of Easter. He asked us, "Is it someone's birthday?" to which I replied, "Yes, but instead of a happy birth, it was a brutal execution." Ashley smacked me and didn't speak to me for a couple hours. After that, things were fine.

First up was coloring some eggs. Bode really gets into it. Here he is anxiously awaiting the vinegar to dissolve the coloring pellets. Harley, as always, was underfoot.
Here are some action shots of the eggs in the dishes. I'm not sure if you can tell in the first picture, but Bode has extremely long eye-lashes. Ashley thinks the chicks are really going to dig this when Bode gets older. Here's hoping, little man.
Note that Bode is wearing his Auburn propaganda t-shirt. Ashley reminded me the A-day game is a week away, to which I (jokingly) responded, "Who gives a sh...?" Another two hours went by, and we were speaking again.

Last night, the Easter bunny came and hid the eggs. It wasn't the most beautiful of Easter mornings, and I was cursing the Easter bunny for hiding the eggs outdoors. However, Bode is tough and can ignore the elements. He grabbed his basket and he was off (along with some assists from Harley).
Once we finished the hunt, we feasted on a pancake breakfast. I am amazed by 1) how much little boys eat and 2) how little older men such as myself eat. Today, Bode only had two pancakes. Last week, he had four. I usually eat three, and could probably skip lunch. Bode's hungry by 11:00. I can only imagine what he'll be like as a teenager.

This afternoon, the sun came out and we decided to do some miniature golfing. Bode doesn't quite have the hang of the whole concept, but he knows he's supposed to get the ball into the whole. And if he happens to redirect the ball when it's moving, no harm, no foul.
Finally, here is a great movie of Bode putting. At least he's persistent
All is well here in Kettering. Many of you know we are moving to Colorado Springs this summer. We should be there no later than 1 July. We are trying to sell our house, which simply means we are always cleaning. Pleasant week to all.

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