Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Holidays

Well, we can put a nice bow on 2010. I'm done working for the rest of the year (really not that long considering I went in today, and it's the 23rd of December...)

We've had a nice December--still basking in the glow of the Auburn SEC Championship victory. Unfortunately, that glow has done nothing to help the weather here in Dayton, which has been miserable. Cold, icy, snowy, windy, and a lack (dearth, or paucity if you wish--Santa brought me a thesaurus) of sun. We had some chilly weather last weekend, so Bode and I had to really bundle up before going out.
The little guy really likes being outside in the weather. He (like his father) seems to enjoy shoveling snow. Bode's a big (no) help to me right now, but with a little bit of training, he'll be ready when we retire to the mountain palace (aka the Snow Hole), whereupon he'll be anointed the official shoveler of the McGuirk Family. The weather was so cold that Ashley had to work out indoors (I, of course, ran outside in the elements). Bode wanted to participate. Here he is trying to do some exercises.
Not sure what is going on in the picture below, but he was enjoying himself, jumping around and laughing with Mommy.
Hopefully you are someplace warm, weather it be on a tropical island or next to a cozy fire, for the holidays. All the best to everyone. Make sure you leave your cookies out for Santa. Pleasant Christmas to all, and to all, well, you know the ending.

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