Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas in Dayton

We returned to Dayton on 29 December. Since we did not want to lug all of Santa's loot back home with us, we called the North Pole prior to our departure and asked that Santa bring Bode's presents to our house in Ohio. Therefore, when we got home, Bode was pleased to find a ton of gifts under the Christmas tree and a dearth (yep, using that word again) of coal in his stocking. Here are some pictures of Bode opening his presents.
He was so excited. Of course, it is always easy to tell when he isn't as pleased with a gift because he's immediately ready to open the next gift.
The little man had quite a haul. Tonka toys, books, a jacket, playdoe, clothes, Legoes, a minicomputer, and a video game. I'm sure there's more that I missed. Those I just mentioned are the gifts I can still see out in the living room. Ashley and I also received a number of wonderful gifts--books, clothes, kitchenware, and shoes.

We think Bode is going to be a philosopher. You've probably heard the question, "If a tree falls in the woods and there is no one around to hear it, does it make any noise?" Bode put his own little spin on this saying. The exchange went as follows.

Ashley: (sniff, sniff) "Bode, did you toot?"
Bode: "I did."
Ashley: "Then say excuse me."
Bode: "But it didn't make any noise."

Well played, my son. Enjoy the holiday weekend.

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