Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas in Fort Walton Part II

The weather was cold. COLD! That was not what was signed up for when we booked our reservations to Florida. I went running a few times and had to wear a hat. A HAT! IN FORT WALTON. Oh well. I'm exaggerating a bit. I did run early in the morning, so it hadn't warmed up. Around lunch time, it was pleasant, so we decided to get some pictures. Here's a shot of Bode surveying all that he rules (at least in his mind).
I'm not sure what Bode was doing in this one, but it's kind of cute.
We then managed to get Mommy outside. Notice she's wearing her big winter coat. Despite living for 10+ years near I-70, she still has thin blood.
Ever since we lived in FWB (and for the Rankin Family, many years before that), a fun, CHEAP form of entertainment has been going to Goofy Golf. The place we go hasn't raised prices since the 1980's. It's $2.50 per person, $1.00 for kids. Goofy Golf doesn't put a whole lot of cash into their landscaping, but the courses are fun, and for $6.00, you can't beat how happy it made Bode (and his parents). Here are some action shots. First, we have Bode teeing it up.
Next, we have Bode trying to hit the ball. He kept wanting to use the pointy end of his putter.
We didn't really keep score for Bode, but I must point out I beat Ashley by a considerable number of strokes. On our final night in FWB, we visited the Tobiks (Tim, Stacey, and their two kids Marleigh and Carter). They demanded (asked not) to be on the Chronicles, so here is their 15 minutes of fame. First, here's me and Stacey.
Next are Ashley with the Tobik clan.
The pictures aren't that great because somehow I turned the flash off on our camera and can't figure out how to get it back on. Maybe I should ask Bode to figure it out for me. We left the Tobik home around 9:00 pm. Bode was exhausted when we got home.
That about sums up our trip south. It's raining today in Dayton, but at least it's not snow. Pleasant New Year to everyone, and we'll see you in 2011.

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