Friday, October 22, 2010

Trucks and Spiders

Lots has been going on. End of preamble.

Bode-man is growing like the Auburn band-wagon. He's over three feet tall, rides his little tricycle like a rough-rider, and speaks eloquently (for a two-year old). Here's a shot of Bode and Auburn. Look at the length on the little guy.
He's quite the little photog. He took the following picture of Auburn and me lying on the floor.
He's also getting heavy. Here's Bode and me trying to play airplane. His glide-time isn't nearly what it used-to-be, a combination of him getting heavier and Daddy getting weaker.
He's really into his toy trucks. He likes the dump-truck, the bull-dozer, but his favorite is the excavator (and he even calls it I said, he's quite eloquent).
Sometimes Bode needs a smooth surface on which to run the trucks. Daddy's back seems to do the trick.
And other times, the carpet works just fine
Can you believe the mighty Auburn Tigers are 7-0??? They play LSU tomorrow. Ashley is already nervous. Hopefully big Cam Newton can pull off another amazing display and get a W for the team. Incidentally, Bode has learned most of his A-B-C's. However, he thinks "W" is "Spider." It's funny to here him identify letters. If the word "brown" is on the page, he'll spell it. "B and R and O and Spider and N." Very cute.

War eagle to all and to all a pleasant weekend.

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