Sunday, October 24, 2010


It's a beautiful fall day. The leaves are really coming down, and the colors and very nice. Here's a shot of our front yard--I really like the red in the tree across the street.
Note the goofy looking scarecrow. That's an original woodwork by Jeffy. Maybe I should start selling them. Below is a better shot of the scarecrow (let's call him Bob for no reason other than I'm not very creative; Scarecrow Bob). You can also see Ashley hard at work trimming some bushes while Bode is standing on our front porch.
We raked a bunch of leaves. The picture below is about half of them. The other half are further up the street and out of the camera's view.
What's a fall Sunday without an Auburn football reference? As you (hopefully) know, the Mighty Auburn Tigers beat LSU yesterday and are now 8-0!!! Ashley is elated, but also very nervous. It's funny--she's a bit superstitious and really believes if I talk too much about how good they are, I will jinx them. I could see Bode believing something like that...but Ashley? She's almost 40, err, in her 30's :-) Auburn's QB is a legitimate Heisman candidate. I tried to get Bode to strike a pose, but this is the best he could do...
As usual, Bode wanted to take some pictures. Here's a slanted shot of me. You can also see our obnoxious Auburn flag proudly flying on our house.
Auburn is predicted to be #1 in the BCS rankings, which historically is not a good position. They have a tough road game Saturday at Ole Miss. Game time is 6:00 pm on ESPN2. Pleasant week to all.

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