Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Applefest and Wareagle

Nana and Papa came to visit. They arrived Friday night, just in time for all of us to hit the MCL cafeteria. We needed to fuel up for the big weekend.

Saturday was Ashley and my 11th anniversary. Since the Auburn game was that night, we certainly weren't going to go out for dinner and a movie. Nana and Papa offered to watch Bode while Ashley and I went out for a nice lunch. Granted, this probably doesn't go down in history as one of the greatest anniversary outings of all time, but we did enjoy some alone time together. We made it back with plenty of time to spare before the kickoff. Here are Ashley and Bode all geared up and ready to go.
The game was a back-and-forth contest. Auburn went up early, fell behind, came back, fell behind again, and eventually won it. Eleven years ago, Auburn played a similar type game against Mississippi, but lost in overtime. This didn't ruin the wedding day, but it probably wasn't the best omen :-) Fortunately, things have worked out, and now Auburn knows they have to win on every September 25th of the 21st century.

On Sunday, the five of us went to the Apple Festival. This wasn't a huge event--small and rather quaint (which is becoming an overused word--everything nowadays is quaint, meaning the word quaint is no longer quaint...but I digress). There were tractors, animals, painting stations, tire-sandboxes, and food. Below are some photos. First, here are Ashley, Papa, and Bode sitting on a tire. The weather was fallish, meaning Ashley is starting to box up her shorts.
Bode enjoyed the face-painting station, although he didn't want to paint on himself. He liked to paint on the mirror, and he enjoyed watching other kids get their faces painted. However, he wanted nothing to do with paint on his skin.
Bode liked the Billy-goat, but he (the goat) wasn't very friendly. We had to keep our distance.
The alpacas were less apt to bite.
There were some tractors for the kids to sit on...
one huge combine...
and some carts that were for staff transportation. Bode probably liked these best, so he spent a lot of time climbing up on the golf carts.
There was also some pretty scenery--herb gardens and flowers and the country landscape.
Here's a cute one of Bode...not sure what he was saying or doing but you can tell he's been eating...the messy face is a dead-giveaway.
Finally, here's a shot of me and little guy in the sandbox.
We headed home after lunch, watched some football, and chased the little dude around the house. Nana and Papa headed home on Monday morning. We had a wonderful visit.

Pleasant week to all, for those of you that know what I'm doing on Wednesday (tomorrow), I'll simply say right now I'm starving :-)

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