Monday, September 6, 2010

Young's Dairy Farm

For Labor Day weekend, Ashley's brother, Dave, his wife, Kathy, and their two kids, Teddy (4) and Charlie (1.5) came to visit. Their trip got off to a rough start. They didn't arrive at the Dayton airport until 3:00 am Friday morning. They had a little weather trouble in Chicago. Fortunately, this was the only major hiccough of the weekend.

Friday, after we all slept in a little later than usual, the four oldest boys (Dave, me, Teddy, and Bode) went to the Air Force Museum. I didn't take the camera, so you'll have to use your imagination. We checked out lots of planes and the little guys must have burned 1,000 calories running from exhibit to exhibit (and yes, running is frowned upon in the museum and we were scolded for it by one of the curators). There was also a pretty cool remote-controlled model airplane demonstration going on. Some of these planes could go really fast and do some wild maneuvers.

Saturday, we all went to Young's Dairy Farm. The kiddos had a blast. Here are some photos (yes, we remembered the camera this time). First, here's Bode driving the big green tractor.
There was a little baby kitten running around the grounds. You'd think Teddy and Charlie had never seen one because they loved this little guy.
We then went into the barn. Ashely bought some feed for the animals so the boys could give the "starving" animals some food.
The highlight of the day had to have been the wagon-train ride. A bunch of 55-gallon drums with seats, steering wheels, and tires were linked up to a tractor. Teddy and Bode hopped in and went for a ride.

While the kiddos were away on their trip (the ride lasted about five minutes), the adults+ Charlie paused for a group photograph.
We then went to the big play area. There were slides, tunnels in which to crawl, a corn-box (a sand-box but with corn kernels instead of sand), and some little tricycles. What a time they had. Here's Bode going down the slide.
Next, we have the three boys in the corn-box stuffed in a tractor tire.
And here's Bode and Teddy riding their cycles.
After a hearty morning of playing, we had some lunch and, of course, some ice cream. We had great fun at the farm.

Saturday night, we had a cook-out at our house with some burgers. Afterwards, we watched the mighty Auburn Tigers win their first game of the season! Wareagle to all!

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