Sunday, February 28, 2010

Winter Vacation: Part III

Skiing. We hadn't been in 14 months, so we were both a bit nervous to see if our skills had diminished. Some locals in Ohio might point out that we can always go skiing here--there's Mad River and other "mountains" about an hour away. As tempting as that sounds, we reasoned the 200 feet of elevation change these places offer just wouldn't do it for a couple people that lived in Colorado for six years :-)

Sunday night, the mountains received about six inches of snow. We got to the lifts early Monday morning. Conditions were fabulous, although the visibility was still a little low because it was cloudy. The skiing/boarding was great, although quite tiring as skiing in powder is always a workout. Sadly, I didn't bring the camera this first day, because I figured the initial day back would be filled with tumbles and falls (fortunately, it wasn't). We went again on Wednesday. There wasn't any new snow, but it was a beautiful sunny day with no crowds of which to speak. We were one of the first on the lift. Here's a shot of the base of Peak 8 before the lifts open. Notice the dearth (or paucity if you like that word better--Ashley recently got me a thesaurus) of people.
Here's a shot from the top of the mountain. Again, notice how few people there are.
Next is a picture of Ashley getting ready to hit the slopes. Notice her cool snow pants, which made it easy to pick her out on the mountain.Here's a photo of me at the top of Peak 8 a little later in the day. Quite a view.
We skied until 1230 or so. Ashley's parents were kind enough to watch Bode for us, and for that, we are grateful (especially since the cost of mountain daycare isn't cheap). That afternoon, we took Bode up to the base of the runs. He couldn't do ski school because he's not yet potty-trained (hopefully next year). Here's a great shot of Mommy and Bode in front of the big terrain park. Who knows--in just a few years, Bode could be tearing up those monstrous jumps in the background.
One more post will follow about our winter vacation. Stay tuned and pleasant day.

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