Saturday, February 27, 2010

Winter Vacation: Part II

Following the ice-skating debacle, we went and visited our little place in Blue River (three miles south of Breckenridge). We have two nicknames for house. The first is The Mountain Palace, and if you've ever been there, you'll understand the tongue-in-cheek humor (968 square feet is no palace). The other nickname is The Snow Hole. This is a more accurate description, because our house typically gets a ton of snow. Here are some pictures of what we hope will someday be our future home. First, we have Ashley on the deck.
Next we have three shots from the front of the house. Normally the snow is piles so high that the house isn't visible from the road. The locals said the snow is a bit off this year...I guess global warming is true.We met with an architect while we were there, and he seems to think we can add on to the existing home for a reasonable cost. While we probably can't afford to build a dream-home (building costs in Breck can run up to $400 per square foot; you can probably do the math and see how much this really is...) If anyone wants to nominate us for Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, please feel free :-) Our goal is to be living full time in the mountains by the summer of 2017. Here's hoping the stock market really surges!!!

Next post: Our time on the slopes. Pleasant day.

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