Saturday, February 27, 2010

Winter Vacation: Part I

With all the snow in Ohio, Ashley and I decided we needed a vacation. Did we choose some place balmy and warm to escape our current climate? Heck no--we went to Colorado to do some skiing and to check up on our little mountain retreat (can you say, "Tax write-off?").

Our trip started early Saturday morning. And I do mean early. Our flight left at 0615, so we had to leave the house by a little after 0400. Bo-bo did not want to get up...Fortunately, we were able to make it safe and sound to the airport. Carrying the six (yes, six) pieces of luggage (four bags and two ski bags) was a bit of the challenge. Bode was a big help because he offered to carry the thermos with his food (and by offer, we mean he screamed until we let him carry it). We navigated through security and got on the plane. We flew on Frontier, direct to Denver from Dayton. Bode did great--he even napped a bit, although in the picture below, he was trying to escape into the aisle.There was this really cool cloud...if you can call it that. It was basically a thin line of clouds above the regular cloud-layer. It went on for miles. I thought it could be a contrail from a previous plane, but it seemed too intact to be one. If you know what it is, please let me know.We spent the Saturday and Sunday in Colorado Springs, visiting my Mom (Grammy), and also saw our friends, Kristin and Eric, their two children Brenna and Rylan, and Ashley's boss, Vern. Brenna and Rylan are a month older than Bode, so the kiddos got to play together for a few hours. Brenna and Rylan have a great basement equipped with lots of cool toys, so afterwards, Bode was exhausted. This was a good thing because Sunday evening, we drove up to Breckenridge (he napped in the car) and stayed at a great condo within walking distance of the Breckenridge gondola (more on that in a later post). Ashley's brother Dave and his family (Kathy, Teddy, and Charlie) as well as Ashley's parents, Frank and JoAnne, joined us.

I'll cover the skiing in a later post (we went on Monday and Wednesday, and it was awesome). On Tuesday, we took a break and tried to get Bode on ice-skates. The rink wasn't crowded at all, so we didn't have to worry about Bode getting run over. As you'll see, this was never a problem. Here's a good shot of Bode getting his skates laced up by Mommy.Next, we have Bode in his helmet. Safety first.Alright, now we're ready to get to the ice. Unfortunately, Bode didn't really like the skates, and the minute he stepped on the ice and his foot slid, it was over.
We spent the next hour or so with one of us skating while the other held Bode in the stands and tried to convince him how much fun it was. He wasn't buying what we were selling, so Bode's first trip to the ice rink was somewhat of a failure. However, his first trip to the swimming pool was met with a similar amount of tears, so we can't yet rule out a future as a professional hockey player.

This ends part one of the winter vacation. Parts II and III will be added in the near future (but that could be preempted if Bode refuses to let me type on the computer. He's quite adept and grabbing my fingers). Pleasant day.

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