Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Swim, Swam, Swum

Bode finished his first swimming class. For the past four weeks, we've been going to swim-lessons every Monday and Wednesday. The instructor said, "Bode did great...for his age," which is a lot like the young guys at working telling me, "You're pretty fast...for an old guy."

Today, Bode received his "Certificate of Participation," which is sort of like, "Everyone Gets a Trophy" day. The certificate was a pseudo-report card. There were nine items, and Bode got six pluses and three minuses. The optimist would say, "He passed the majority of the skills." The pessimist would say, "Thirty-three percent failure? Even Shaq doesn't miss that many from the line." Bode wasn't very fond of being put on his back. He was fine in our arms or on his tummy. But the second you tried to put him on his back, he'd go stiff as a board and start crying like a soccer player who's just been slide-tackled and expected a foul. Nor did he blow bubbles in the water. He'd put his face close to the water and then lick it. Maybe he's been watching Auburn a bit too closely...

Now for some pictures. First, here's Bode and me just starting out. It was rather cold today--high was 70 at best. Somehow I got to the be the one to swim today (Ashley swam on Monday; it was in the 90's).
Next, we have Bode working on the front-float. Looks like Daddy was off his game because Bode's face isn't supposed to be in the water...Here is Bode using the styrofoam dumbbell. He could float on his own if he was positioned right, but he usually found it more fun to pick up the dumbbell, upon which all floating benefits would be lost and he'd sink.Here we are hanging out on the wall. Yes, that is a nice line of snot going from his nose to his mouth. Yum.Bode never would jump into the pool, but he would sit on the edge and fall in. He loved this and would do it over and over and over...Finally, here's me and the little orca at the end of the lesson.Bode loves the water. He's so wound up when we leave the pool. He's running and humming and whooting. Fortunately, this usually wears him out so come bed time, he's out like a rock. Sadly, the lessons also wear me out. It's going on 8:30, and I'm off to bed. Pleasant evening.

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