Sunday, July 26, 2009

New Camera

As stated in the previous post, we recently "lost" our camera while on vacation. Of course, Ashley probably thought this was a good thing because she has been bugging me for awhile (since ~2004) that we needed a more modern digital camera. Thus, the silver lining to this little act of thievery is we now have a new Panasonic DMC-TZ5 Lumix (whatever that means).

Ashley spent some time learning how to operate the camera. Here are some practice photos. First, here's me and little guy playing trains.Next, we have a shot of Bode and me surfing the internet. Bode loves the computer. Well, I don't know if it's the computer he loves. Rather, I think he sees us doing something and wants to participate. Anytime Ashley and I are sitting in the office chair, Bode comes over and tries to force his way on our lap. This is fine if we have nothing to do. However, if we are trying to do important things (like write this blog), it can be difficult because Bode likes to mash the keys. You can't tell by the picture, but the keyboard Bode is resting his fingers on isn't hooked up to the computer. Just in front of Bode's keyboard is the real keyboard. Fortunately, he still has the little alligator arms and can't quite reach the real one :-)Finally, we have a shot of Bode in some shades. For awhile, he didn't like wearing the glasses. Today, though, he was walking around (strutting) with them on. I think this was his way of saying, "Daddy, we haven't been swimming in awhile. Chop chop."
Ashley is finishing up some work. As soon as she's done, we're heading to the pool. The weather is decent today--not perfect pool weather, but since it's been hovering in the low 70's for the past 10 days (global warming?), we'll take what we can get. Pleasant week to all.

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