Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays to Everyone! We hope you all had a nice enjoyable Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Festivus. If you're anything like us, you are off until after the New Year. We have so many exciting things planned for this week--change Bode about 100 times, feed him six squares a day, burp him often, clean the occasional spit-up, and work desparately to catch some zzz's in the interims. Can anyone top that for excitement???

We had a wonderful Christmas. I
t all began a few days ago with anxious anticipation for the arrival of St. Nick.
How could Santa even think about leaving a lump of coal for these three angels? For those that haven't been to our house (the vast majority of you dear readers), the wallpaper is not our doing; we plan on removing that sometime in 2008. What's sad is this wall paper is probably the tamest of our wall decor...we have some other walls that aren't suitable to show even on the internet (FCC regulations prevent such graphic images...)

JoAnne, Frank, and Jason (Bode's grandparents and uncle) arrived on 22 December. They tried to sit and rest after their long journey, but Auburn had something else in mind.
Nana brought lots of goodies and sweets, and we passed the days before Christmas gorging ourselves. In between meals, Jeff tried to sneak into the gift pile, but Auburn was assigned guard duty and kept him at bay...
Finally, after much eating, Christmas morning arrived. Bode got into the spirit by putting on his Christmas bib. And before you say anything, yes, he's lying on the dining room table. He seems to enjoy that--probably likes looking at the overhead lights.
Before we opened our gifts, we posed for a family portrait.
Bode wouldn't sit still because he was sooo excited about opening his presents (which is why the picture is blurry). We spent the next couple hours opening gifts. Bode loaded up and received tons of clothes and little knick-knacks. He was so excited, he fell asleep amidst the carnage of boxes, paper and bows...
On Christmas night, we all went to a place called Clifton's Mills--an old mill next to the river with 3.5 million Christmas lights (yes, really). The weather was seasonably warm and the light shows were very pretty. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera and don't have a single picture, but I don't think pictures of lights show up well anyways. This morning, JoAnne, Frank, and Jason headed back down to Florida. We might try to go shopping and catch some of the Christmas sales, but we're not sure. We hope you all have a great end of 2007 and really ring in the new year--if you have any good new year stories (drank so much you ended up naked on a train to Montreal, went to Vegas, stayed at the Luxor, and woke up three days later in the real Egypt, etc.), please share them with us. And remember: there are only 365 days until Christmas (2008 is a leap year). You better not be naughty because someone is always watching you!Pleasant day to all.

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