Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Attention All Ladies

Not much to say today, but I do have to post this picture of the little guy. Initially, we concluded we liked the onesie outfits that had zippers more than the button-up ones, only because they are much faster and easier (especially at 3 in the morning) to unzip/zip. This probably sounds like a lot of whining on our part, as how much dexterity does it take to do buttons? Quite a lot when you add in the element of a kicking, crying kid who is cold, cranky, and hungry (sorry, I know hungry destroys the alliteration element I had going there, but there really isn't a hard-c word for desiring food). Anyways, like I said, we INITIALLY concluded the zipper onesies were best. That was until we took the following picture:
Note the provacative, exposed chest, the casual, smug smile, and the devil-may-care look in his eyes. The whole ensemble seems to say, "Ladies, you don't want any of this. I'm the one your parents warned you about, trouble with a capital T." All he needs now is a nice moustache....


Nana said...

WOW! He is handsome, isn't he?

Nana said...

WOW! He is handsome, isn't he?