Sunday, April 28, 2024

Healing up

Ashley and Bode continue to recover from their injuries. Ashley saw the doctor two weeks after her surgery; he removed the bandages, and as you can see, it's quite a scary scar.

The skin has already almost flattened out, so it looks much better than it did. Ashley is going to the gym as often as she can, trying to work on her lost range of motion and muscle strength. I'm sure it will take time to get back to how she was, and I'm sure she is a little frustrated, but she is improving a little every day. On Friday, she bench-pressed the bar, which is rather amazing considering her arm was broken less than a month ago :-)

Bode had his four-week checkup with the doctor. Bottom line: his thumb is healing nicely--"some good bone-growth" is what the doctor said when he saw the x-ray. They took Bode's permanent cast of, and he was quite happy to have this done.

I took a movie of them sawing the cast off; thank heavens that didn't cut his arm :-)
He is not yet fully healed--can start swimming in two more weeks, which is fine; I think Bode was just happy to be able to shower again without wrapping his arm in plastic.

We had the annual Coast Aquatics swim banquet last week. It was nice to see everyone, but I'm sure it just made Bode more anxious to get back in the pool :-)

Nothing else too exciting is going on. It's final's week for me, so one more real week of work, and then it's summertime :-)

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