Thursday, March 3, 2022


Barkley and Rowdy have become the best of friends.  They play most of the day together, although I'm sure Barkley gets a little worn out.

She is rather sweet to let Rowdy climb all over her like that.  Rowdy had a visit to the vet today; he is now just under 21 pounds and healthy.  He is getting better going to the door when he needs to go outside, but there is still plenty of room for improvement :-)

The Meigs band has their Music Performance Assessment concert next Wednesday.  Apparently this is a very big deal for the music programs, so they had a dry run last night.  I recorded the introduction from Ms Tordi, the band director, explaining a little bit about the MPA.  And before you say anything, I don't know why the movies are so blurry; all but the last one is like this.
Next, we have their first performance of a piece called Crosswinds March.  You can't see Bode in the videos, as he is near the middle; I should have chosen my seat better.

The second piece is a little more musical and is called Maesong.

Finally, they brought the house down with a great rendition of the Sea Song Trilogy.

We have no major plans for the weekend.  I think Bode has a swim meet, but it is a very small one, so it should be quick.  I might try to get some pickleball in, but we'll see what the weather does--it might be too hot :-)  Pleasant weekend to all.

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