Monday, March 7, 2022

Best Time

The first middle school swim meet of the season was on Saturday.  This was a very small meet.  Bode swam the 50-free and the 100-free, winning both events.  First, here he is swimming the 50.

In the 100, Bode swam the fastest he had ever swum coming in at 58.1 seconds.
Ashley and I did some garden prep this weekend.  We put a large bird net over the berries; hopefully this will let us eat the fruit as opposed to the birds.
I also put some chicken wire around the other two beds.  I have beans and peas growing, and I think I also planted some cucumbers.  We'll see what kind of harvest we get this year.
Nothing else too exciting is going on.  I got a touch of the flu on Sunday, and I had to miss work today (Monday).  I hope to be better by tomorrow.  Pleasant week to all.

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