Tuesday, July 27, 2021

MCU Phase II

As many of you know, we have been doing a lot of work on our house.  The carriage house (McGuirk Construction Universe Phase I) is all done and has hosted a number of visitors.  The first project of MCU Phase II has been converting the old garage to a nice den.  We are almost done, and it looks amazing.  When you look at these pictures, recall this used to be where we parked our cars.  First up shows the windows all trimmed and ready for final painting.

Next, the same room but from the other side.  Note the bookshelves are all installed.  They need to be painted, and in the middle, we are having a nice piece of quartz installed for a desktop.
We've also installed a mud-sink and some shelves in our new hallway.
I think the painting is supposed to happen this week.  We also need some trim around a door and some minor touch-ups as well as the installation of the air conditioner.  But we think it should be complete by the end of August (knock on wood).  

I haven't talked much about the dogs because I don't want to jinx anything.  I will simply say Joey and Barkley are doing great.  Here are some shots of them in the yard.

Next, here is Joey trying to be a water dog.
And finally, one of both dogs walking on the dock.

All is well here in Florida--hot and humid.  Bode has some time off from swimming, so the two of us are spending some quality time together (yard work--he hates it :-)  Pleasant week to all. 

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