Monday, July 26, 2021

Final Summer Swim Part 2

Yesterday was the final swim meet of the summer season.  Ashley wanted to do some selfies with her phone, and they turned out pretty well.  First, me and the 50-year old.

Next, a nice one of Bode and his mother.

Ashley tried to get a surreptitious picture of Bode with his friends; we didn't think he'd be amused if we tried to get them all to pose for a picture.  Thus, below was the best she could do.  From left to right, you see Madden, Jai, Sawyer, and Bode.

Bode swam great yesterday.  First up was the 100-yard freestyle.  He finished in 59.8 seconds, which was a personal best...but he also said he died at the end :-)
He also swam the 100-fly.  I took some still photos (hoping to get them Sports Illustrated, but they'll probably be using pictures from the Olympics this week).

He swam the 100-fly in 1:05, which means he is four seconds from a southeaster short-course championship qualifying time.  He has until March to obtain a faster time, so we'll see if it's something he shoots for.  Bode also swam the 200-free, and he had another personal best of 2:15.  I won't show the video, as it's not very exciting.  He also anchored the 200-medley IM race.  I took from starting shots, which I think turned out pretty good.  In the first picture, you see Bode waiting for Sawyer to finish, and then it's like he's shot out of a cannon :-)

Here is a movie of the swim.
We are very proud of how hard Bode has worked this summer.  The team has two weeks off, but Bode has already asked if I will take him swimming.  I think he just likes zooming past me :-)  Pleasant week to all.

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