Tuesday, July 27, 2021

MCU Phase II

As many of you know, we have been doing a lot of work on our house.  The carriage house (McGuirk Construction Universe Phase I) is all done and has hosted a number of visitors.  The first project of MCU Phase II has been converting the old garage to a nice den.  We are almost done, and it looks amazing.  When you look at these pictures, recall this used to be where we parked our cars.  First up shows the windows all trimmed and ready for final painting.

Next, the same room but from the other side.  Note the bookshelves are all installed.  They need to be painted, and in the middle, we are having a nice piece of quartz installed for a desktop.
We've also installed a mud-sink and some shelves in our new hallway.
I think the painting is supposed to happen this week.  We also need some trim around a door and some minor touch-ups as well as the installation of the air conditioner.  But we think it should be complete by the end of August (knock on wood).  

I haven't talked much about the dogs because I don't want to jinx anything.  I will simply say Joey and Barkley are doing great.  Here are some shots of them in the yard.

Next, here is Joey trying to be a water dog.
And finally, one of both dogs walking on the dock.

All is well here in Florida--hot and humid.  Bode has some time off from swimming, so the two of us are spending some quality time together (yard work--he hates it :-)  Pleasant week to all. 

Monday, July 26, 2021

Final Summer Swim Part 2

Yesterday was the final swim meet of the summer season.  Ashley wanted to do some selfies with her phone, and they turned out pretty well.  First, me and the 50-year old.

Next, a nice one of Bode and his mother.

Ashley tried to get a surreptitious picture of Bode with his friends; we didn't think he'd be amused if we tried to get them all to pose for a picture.  Thus, below was the best she could do.  From left to right, you see Madden, Jai, Sawyer, and Bode.

Bode swam great yesterday.  First up was the 100-yard freestyle.  He finished in 59.8 seconds, which was a personal best...but he also said he died at the end :-)
He also swam the 100-fly.  I took some still photos (hoping to get them Sports Illustrated, but they'll probably be using pictures from the Olympics this week).

He swam the 100-fly in 1:05, which means he is four seconds from a southeaster short-course championship qualifying time.  He has until March to obtain a faster time, so we'll see if it's something he shoots for.  Bode also swam the 200-free, and he had another personal best of 2:15.  I won't show the video, as it's not very exciting.  He also anchored the 200-medley IM race.  I took from starting shots, which I think turned out pretty good.  In the first picture, you see Bode waiting for Sawyer to finish, and then it's like he's shot out of a cannon :-)

Here is a movie of the swim.
We are very proud of how hard Bode has worked this summer.  The team has two weeks off, but Bode has already asked if I will take him swimming.  I think he just likes zooming past me :-)  Pleasant week to all.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Final Summer Swim Part 1

 Bode has been doing nothing but swimming this summer.  Five days a week, he is up at 0630 and is in the water by 0730 for a two-hour practice over in Destin (good thing he has some chauffeurs that will drive him).  He has been very focused on working on his swimming, and this weekend was the final swim meet of the summer season.  We arrived early and ready.  Note he is a lot taller than Ashley and no longer has that boyish look about him.

The little prince was kind enough to pose with old Dad for a picture; I still have him by a couple inches.
Ashley and I also took a picture together
The team warmed up before the start of the meet.  There is a nice group of boys with whom Bode swims--pictured are Sawyer and Madden (I don't think Jai was here for the warm up).
The first race was the 200-IM.  Bode is out in lane 7, while his buddy Jai is in lane 2.  The two boys in lanes 5 and 6 are a little older than Bode, so it was no shock they swam as fast as they did.  Bode finished two seconds ahead of Jai, and he also beat Sawyer by a second (Sawyer swam in the previous heat).
Bode was feeling pretty good about himself...which is when problems happen :-)  His next event was the 50-free, and afterwards, he said he forgot it was only a 50.  I think going into the 200-IM he was very concerned about pacing himself.  He carried this same mentality into the 50-free, which is a full-blown spring end-to-end.  Hence, he started swimming hard too late and finished in 27.6, and he was not very happy with this time because both Sawyer and Jai beat him.
Fortunately he got a shot at redemption.  Bode swam the anchor leg of the 200-free relay, and his split time was 26.1.  Thus, he felt much better with this swim.
Ashley and I are both exhausted from being out in the sun for five hours; fortunately we get to do it again tomorrow :-)  Pleasant day to all.