Monday, June 28, 2021

Garden Update

 There is not much to report on the garden front.  The birds likely got all of our blackberries despite some very dense mesh we put up.  Next year, we will have to look into doing some type of greenhouse structure.  The corn all died, likely due to the heat, but I really don't know why.  I don't think I will try corn again here because I simply have not had any luck.

I do have some honeydew melons growing...but it might be only a matter of time before they get attacked.

I also have plucked a lot of cherry tomatoes over the past couple weeks.  And as a surprise, when I was digging in the garden, I found three potatoes.
Amazingly, the broccoli is still going and going well.  No stalks yet, but a lot of plants.
I also have a lot of basil.  I didn't grow these from seed, but they seem to love the heat.
It is almost the end of June, and it is very warm here.  I might try to plant some okra and maybe some pumpkins--only four months until Halloween :-)

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