Sunday, February 28, 2021

Uncle Dave and Yuna

 Uncle Dave and his girlfriend, Yuna, were in Fort Walton Beach this weekend.  Ashley had just seen the two of them a few weeks ago when she went skiing with Bode.  I had not seen Dave in almost a year, and it was great to catch up with him.  We ran both Saturday and Sunday morning, and in our minds, we were running as fast as we ran when we were cadets many years ago :-)

Saturday was pretty low-key.  We hung out here at the house and then had a lovely meal at Nana and Papa's, although Ashley and Bode were both feeling under the weather so they stayed at home.  Fortunately, Sunday morning we are all feeling great, and we met at the Two Trees for a fantastic brunch; what made it even better was I brought my camera.  First we have a picture of Ashley, David, and Yuna.

Next is a very nice picture of Bode with Papa.  Lately, Bode has been wanting to avoid having pictures taken, but today, he was rather photogenic.
He even got out of his chair to take a picture with David and Ashley, although he does have a creepy look on his face.
After breakfast, he took a great picture with his grandparents.
When we left, we tried to get some family shots.  Jason and Olivia aren't in this one because I think they were chasing down Jay.
They did manage to track Jay down, although getting Jay or Jason to stand still for a photo is quite challenging.
David and Yuna flew out from Pensacola this afternoon, and they are probably flying through the air as I write this.  Hopefully things will get back to normal here in the next few months and we'll be able to see all the people we haven't seen in over a year.  Pleasant week to all.

Sunday, February 21, 2021


 Bode's school was delayed two weeks at the start of the year.  School began on 30 August; this means everything has been delayed for two weeks to include spring break.  Thus, his spring break is in early April, which is not prime ski time.  My school did away with spring break this year, and with the middle school swim season starting in mid February, Ashley and Bode had to make a quick trip out to Colorado to get their ski on (I stayed home and watched the dogs).  I can't provide much narration because I wasn't there, but it does look like they had a great time.  

Here's a cool shot of Bode; note he is wearing one of my old winter coats.

Ashley and Bode were at Breckenridge on a Monday, and I don't think anyone else was there :-)
They had a great time skiing and then had lunch at Downstairs at Eric's.
They got to spend some quality time with Uncle Dave, Teddy, and Charlie.  Teddy is all grown up--I think he'll get his learner's permit next month.
Of course, Joey was happy when they got home.
Pleasant week to everyone.

A Joey Update

 As you know, Joey was diagnosed with cancer in late December.  Ashley and I knew it was bad news when we showed up at the vet's office, and the room we waited in had a couch and a lot of Kleenex boxes.  We were told Joey had "weeks to months."  

Fortunately, Joey has made it past the weeks diagnosis, and for that, we are very grateful.  He's been getting chemotherapy through Auburn University, and he has just been the happiest, most playful dog these last few weeks; if you didn't know he was sick, you wouldn't know anything was wrong.  The first chemo drugs they used didn't seem to have any effect on the growing tumors (he has lots of them in all the wrong places), so they've put him on a different drug.  We hope this can help stop the tumor growth, but we also realize it's a very long shot.  Still, we'll do everything we can to keep Joey happy and comfortable. 

I've probably been taking too many pictures of the dogs, but I guess that's what happens when I get a new smart phone.  Here are some of my favorite shots.  The two dogs and Ashley like to take naps together.

And even when Ashley is not around, both dogs enjoy their naps.
People have asked me if Barkley "knows" Joey is sick.  I have no idea, but I don't think so.  I do know she likes to be around him (and vice versa).  She's known him since she was eight weeks old, and the only time she's been apart from him was the week that we moved to Florida.  He's her best buddy.  The weather has warmed up some, so we are all happy to get back outside.
I have noticed we do get some really low tides in the winter.  Here's a shot what could be called a beach behind our house.  I have never seen the water this low.
Finally, here's a picture of me and the Joey-dog.
I am taking Joey up to Auburn on Tuesday for another checkup.  They will assess how the chemo has affected the tumors, and from there, we'll talk about the treatment going forward.  We do hope for good news, but we understand it's a long-shot...but sometimes long-shots win!

MCU Phase II

 If you are looking for a page about the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you have come to the wrong place.  The MCU to which I refer is the McGuirk Construction Universe.  I can see how you might confuse the two, as both have the same initials, and both, quite honestly, have about the same budgets (the Marvel MCU budget is on the order of a few billion; the McGuirk MCU is slightly less, but not by much).

The carriage house is done!  We have moved all of the old-garage stuff out to the new garage.  We even managed to install a pretty nifty bike rack.

You can also see the gym in the background.  The climbing rope has been hung, and I've been giving it a go every now and then.
Bode has taken an interest in working out (although it seems to have died off a bit as of late).  He doesn't like me taking his picture, so I had to sneak in a shot of him dead-lifting.
We have ordered a couch, a chair, new blinds, and some curtain hanging hardware for the upstairs.  These should come in within the next month or so, and then it will really look nice.  We'll also have to figure out a TV and a small desk and perhaps an area rug or two.  Ashley and her father are making a table, and Frank made a beautiful bathroom mirror (I'll post a picture when we hang it).  Thus, the invitation is out there for anyone that wants to come visit sunny Florida.

Phase II of the MCU has started (Phase I ended with the completion of the carriage house).  The first major project in Phase II is making the old garage part of the existing house.  We're not exactly sure how we'll furnish it (there are rumors of a Ping-Pong table or an air hockey table), but we do know there will be a lot of bookshelves and a desk for me.  Construction should start in the next couple weeks; for now, Ashley and I did the destruction by removing all the drywall.

We are very excited to get Phase II underway, and we hope for completion by the beginning of summer.  The only hardware we are waiting on is the windows; we ordered these back in December, and they are supposed to be delivered this week; here's hoping!