Saturday, July 25, 2020

Swim Meet

Bode's swim team had a swim meet today.  It was not a typical swim meet with swimmers from other teams.  Rather, Bode's team swam in Destin, and a team from Panama City swam the same events.  We didn't want to hold a large gathering of people, but we did want to give the swimmers a chance to compete, so this was a good compromise.

Here's a picture of Bode relaxing before his first event.
Next are some pictures of Bode doing the 100 individual medley.  His best time coming into the race was 1:25; he clocked a 1:19, and looked great.  Here he is getting ready--note the timers had to wear masks.
 Here's Bode doing the back stroke.
 Here's Bode doing the breast stroke.  We were very impressed with how much he improved with this stroke.  His coach had noticed his kick wasn't quite right; now, he's not the fastest breast-stroker, but he certainly didn't lag behind like he used to do :-)
Bode swam the 50-freestyle in 32 seconds, matching his previous best.  He was a little disappointed because he said he had swum 31's in practice, but the race did happen less than ten minutes after the 100-IM, so he was probably tired.  He finished with the 50-butterfly, and, amazingly, he won in a time just under 36 seconds, almost two seconds faster than his previous PR.
We aren't doing much today--it's now raining, and Ashley has been doing a lot of cleaning.  I guess I should go help her... then again, maybe I'll go play Mario Kart with Bode :-)

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Bode Off the Pier

As part of junior life-guard camp, the kids get to jump off the Okaloosa County Pier.  It was a beautiful day, so Ashley and I went out to watch.
 The pier is about thirty feet up, so it's a bit of a jump to the bottom.
 Before coming over to the pier, the crew was finishing up a run on the beach.
After the run, the kids came out to the pier.
The head life-guard gave the kids the instructions.  They were to have their arms over their heads so they'd enter the water nice and straight, and once they surfaced, they were to give the all-clear sign, which is a pat on their head.  After some nerves, Bode got up the gumption and decided to jump.
After the jump, the kids swam out and hung in the water while everyone else jumped.  A few kids weren't able to do the jump, so we are very proud that Bode was able to do this.
A few more days of camp; not sure if they'll be able to do much because there is a tropical depression in the Gulf of Mexico which might make the surf unmanageable.  Here's hoping.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Nearing Completion

The carriage house is almost done...sort of.  We estimate it's about 85% complete--all the major construction pieces (other than the pouring of the driveway) are done.  Most of the interior has been painted, as have the trim around the windows and baseboards (although there will be some touch-up required).  We still have to have the outside painted (the color will be very similar to the color that's on siding), the bathroom tile needs to be installed, the kitchen cabinets need to be installed, the switches and lights need to be wired in, and then flooring needs to go in.  While this sounds like a lot, it's not too labor intensive; it's more of a waiting game for the supplies to arrive.  But before we have any pictures of the carriage house, I thought I'd show a nice picture of Joey who's been surviving in the heat.
 The outside hasn't changed much, but the brick is all done, and the crew cleaned up the grounds around the exterior.
 This is the garage; the walls and ceiling are painted, and the trim around these windows is done.
 The door going up the stairs was installed and it looks great.
 This is the view just on the other side of the door in the previous picture looking up.  Note the trim is installed around the various items.
 Note the trim around the windows, the floor, and you can see the shelves in the closet.  The doors were installed, but the painter removed them to do some painting.
 Here's a look from the far side just next to the front windows.
 The bathroom is painted, and just needs the tile to be installed.  The vanity and commode have been delivered, and I think we are just waiting on the shower hardware.
 This is where the kitchenette will be; the door is to a large pantry and storage room, which will also house the furnace/air conditioner and the water heater.
 This is the front side of the structure that faces the street.
 This is the back; the door leads to the stairs that either go up to the apartment or down to the garage.
 This gives you a better view of the back-side stairs; the railing still needs to be installed.
 Below is what we see from the front-door of our house; it's not a bad looking place.
Here's hoping the next update shows a little more of a finished product :-)  Pleasant week to all.

Baywatch Bode

Bode was at the Okaloosa County Junior Lifeguard camp all of last week.  He got to spend seven hours a day on the beach--he probably doesn't realize how good he has it, as Ashley and I told him we'd love to do this all summer.  But it's not all fun and games; these kids are working.  The county does a good job posting pictures to their Facebook page, which is where I got the pictures below.  These aren't in sequential order by any means, so I'll just try to relate to you what Bode told me about the pictures.  They do make the kids workout--push-ups, swimming, and a lot of running back and forth on the beach.  I think they might even have to run four miles tomorrow!

In the below picture, Bode is the boy closest to the front (his form is far from perfect...)
In the running picture, Bode is NOT the boy leading the pack; he's back towards the middle--no need to show off, as he says.
The kids also learn some actual life-saving stuff--they don't get certified in CPR, but they are shown the basics with some of the CPR dummies and know how to use the boards; Bode looks less than enthralled. 
 The beach time has to be the best part of the day, and they gets lots of it.  They need to drink a lot of water and use a lot of sun screen because it was so hot last week, and just as hot this week (it's a two-week camp). 
I wish I could embed the Baywatch theme song for this next picture, as it's Bode running out with his life-saving buoy.  He'll be starring in his own TV show in no time.
I don't know if Bode is in this picture, but I included it because Bode has said the kids and the lifeguards swim out past the end of the pier; this picture does a good job of showing how far out that is.
 Here's one final shot of the kids lying in the sand.  I think Bode is the fourth kid from the front.
You can see all the pictures if you use the google and search for Okaloosa county junior lifeguard program and go to their Facebook page; I got all the ones of Bode, but these pictures show you more of what the kids having been doing.