Saturday, June 27, 2020

Swim Test

Bode is scheduled for a junior lifeguard camp starting on 13 July.  We are hopeful it will go as scheduled, but who knows with how things are currently going.  In preparation for the camp, Bode had to do a 200-meter swim test in the ocean.  I'm sure it's a little different swimming out in the waves, but the little man did great.  Here's Bode getting ready to go; the guy on the board out in the ocean is where he had to swim.
Here he is in mid-swim.
And here he is coming out.  The beach doesn't look too crowded, but I assure, to the left, the beach was packed.
The carriage house is really taking shape.  The brick is just about done, with all that remains is the final brick layer that borders between the siding and the brick. 
The interior is almost ready for paint; I believe Ashley has all the colors picked, and there are only a couple more days of finishing work before the color can go on the walls.
Joey and I were out on the dock this afternoon.  Every now and then some ducks swim by, and we think Joey might jump in one day and try to get one.
While we were out there, this boat drive by.  It's pretty slick looking, and I told Ashley we'd go out and get her one :-)
The boat was load--sounded like a NASCAR engine and looked like something from Miami Vice.  We aren't up to much, as things are packed here down in Florida pre-fourth of July.  We'll see how the week goes and whether or not we get locked down again.  Pleasant week to all.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

South Carolina

We decided to break out from the quarantine and take a road trip up to South Carolina to see my father and his wife, Janet.  We made the trip in just over seven hours, which would have been much less had Bode not drunk so much gatorade in the car.  The golf was rained out the first day--it rained the night before, so the day was actually quite beautiful, but the course was water-logged, which forced us to spend some quality time at the pool.  Fortunately, we were able to golf the remaining days, and Bode even went with us.  Here's a picture of Bode and Mom; he's getting so big.  He didn't have any collared shirts that fit him, so he had to wear some of mine.
We aren't sure if Bode likes the golfing part of golf or the cart-riding part of the golf...but either way, at least he's outside.
He's actually hitting the ball quite well for never having taken a lesson or having someone that knows what they are doing teach him.
On one of our outings, we had some extra time to take some pictures, which all turned out real nice.
One of our golf-days was Father's day, so it was nice to get out and play with the old man.
You do have to be careful around the water hazards on these courses, as each pond has a gator or two swimming around.  Some are tiny, but some could probably cause you some worry.  We saw this one crossing the road and gave it a wide birth.
We spent a lot of time at the pool when we weren't golfing, but, as Ashley says, no one wants to see pictures of that :-)  We also went out to dinner a few times, and took more photos.  Bode was nice enough to ask, "Why do we need so many pictures?"  He's so difficult.
We had a very nice time in South Carolina.  We returned home today to a lot of wet and rain, so once I get the grocery shopping done, we'll probably hole up inside and watch a movie.  Pleasant week to all.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Bode's Band Achievement

There would have been an end-of-year band concert; at the concert there would have been a number of awards presented.  Unfortunately, all of these were cancelled due to the virus.  However, all band families received an email today with the annual award winners.  We're proud to say Bode was named an outstanding beginning band member.  The teacher determines the winner based on "classroom achievement, responsibility, initiative, and leadership."  We're very proud of our little trumpet boy.
There's a chance Meigs Middle School will have some type of band program this summer, but we aren't yet sure.  We did hear the Northwest Florida Symphony is going to have a week-long violin camp, so hopefully Bode can attend.  Otherwise, we are hanging out here in Florida expecting a lot of rain this weekend.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Bode successfully completed the 6th grade.  We're very proud that he earned all A's for the 4th quarter.  He worked really hard on the online learning modules, and some were quite challenging.  On one of the science tests, Ashley and I took it three times, and the best we could get as an 84 (I do think there were some shaky questions).  Now that he's a soon-to-be 7th grader, you might wonder how is he spending his time?  He's doing swimming and his music lessons, but he does spend a lot of time logged into the Oasis (reference Ready Player One)...
The carriage house is coming along amazingly well.  The roof was shingled this week, and all of the outer siding is done.
Internally, we have all the skeleton electrical work and plumbing, and all the insulation is installed.
Dry-wall is supposed to start tomorrow and go through the rest of this week; hopefully we don't have a hurricane hit us this weekend :-)

Bode has hit last meeting for the spring youth sinfonietta.  Their movie which shows all the individual students playing their pieices stitched together was debuted.  I don't have a copy of the movie, but it is posted on youtube.

I had a wonderful birthday on Monday and did my own birthday workout--47 pull-ups, 47 thrusters, and then I ran 4.7 miles.  Ashley and Bode made me a wonderful birthday cake, and then on Tuesday, Bode and I went miniature golfing.  Bode and I played two rounds, and during each round, I got a hole-in-one on the last hole--into the snake's mouth--and earned a free game.  I probably should have purchased a lottery ticket.  Pleasant week to all.