Monday, December 10, 2018

Sinfonietta Strings

Bode's little orchestra had its fall concert yesterday.  It was a lovely event, and the music keeps improving as Bode gets older.  The sinfonietta started meeting once a week in early September.  Three months later, they sounded marvelous.  First, let's take a look at the program.
Bode is listed under the 1st violins, which sounds more impressive than it is.  Miss Liz made a big point explaining to the kids on the first day there is no difference between the 1st violins, the 2nd violins, etc.; it is simply a way to group the kids (we will, however, sort of believe her but also feel some pride knowing that Bode is a "First Violin.")

We arrived early, and the kids started to tune their instruments.
Afterwards, they sort of goofed off until the performance began.
We weren't in a good seat to see Bode--we were originally, but Miss Liz made some minor chair location adjustments prior to the start.  Thus, it's hard to see Bode in the movies.  I recorded them all, but the files would be too big, so I have included some small snippets.  First, the start of The Bows on the Bus.
Next is the complete Barcarolle.
Finally, here is the end of Contredanse en Rondeau.
Afterwards, we listened to the larger, older Youth Orchestra play (high-school kids).  They sounded pretty good--something to strive for.  I did take a quick picture of Bode and Ashley...
and also a nice one with Nana and Papa.
We are in full Christmas mode here--only fifteen shopping days to go (and less if you consider the shipping, since no one goes to the mall anymore :-)  Pleasant week to all1

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