Sunday, December 23, 2018

Pre Xmas Fun

We have had a busy week or so.  First, we had a visit from Miss Meghan, her sister Miss Bridget, and their dog, Brody.  Brody make Joey and Barkley look small--he's rather tall and also hairy.
We had a very nice visit--they stayed for a day, and the dogs just wore themselves out.
Earlier this week, my Mom arrived for a Christmas visit.  It was hard to tell if Joey was happy to see her or if he was just interested in what she had on her plate.
Bode is now done with school until 8 January, so he and Grammy had some games of solitaire.
On Saturday, Ashley and I ran in a 5k race--the Egg-Nog-Jog.  It was nice to get out and get some exercise.  Here's Ashley before the race.
Here she is finishing strong--look at her putting the gap on the guy behind her.
Afterwards we snapped a goofy photo...
and we stuck around to collect a medal.
I was fortunate enough to win my age group.  Ashley was not so lucky--she would have won the 35-39 and 40-44 age groups, but sadly, there were three fast 45-49 year old females that kept her off the age-group podium.  Afterwards, we all needed a nap.
We had a lovely Saturday morning...but the best was yet to come :-)

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