Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Spring Orchestra

Bode's school orchestra had its spring concert.  We knew about this well in advance, and we often would ask Bode if..."there was anything special he'd be doing for the concert--any solos?"  He would ALWAYS tell us no.  However, we probably should not have been surprised when we got to the concert and saw the program.
Bode had not one but two special events.  We asked him about it afterwards as to why he was so mum about it.  He replied, "You asked me if I had any solos, and I didn't."  Hmmmm....I guess we need to learn to add some specificity to our questions.  Bode was one of the first to arrive, and he quickly settled in and arranged his music.
We then had time for a quick picture on the stage.
Before the concert, the ensemble gathered together for a group picture.
Next, it was time for the performances.  I got a close-up of Bode in action--he's very into it and serious when playing.
It was soon time for the "not-a-solo," meaning it was Bode, one other violinist, and a cellist.  They did great.
Bode also played a rainstick during one piece.  I'm not sure why he did this--his 4th grade teacher (Mr Glisson) is the tall guy holding the big rainstick.  It looked like they were having fun.
We are very proud of the work Bode has done--it is hard to believe he has been playing violin for only seven months.  At the end of the concert, they all took a bow.
Nothing too exciting going on here.  It is the last week before spring break, so we are all ready for some R&R :-) 

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