Sunday, March 11, 2018


Bode was given a "Bug Award" at school this past week.  Every quarter, each teacher picks Bug-Award winners from their classroom.  The criteria for each teacher is flexible.  This quarter, Mr Glisson gave Bode his Bug-Award for having the highest math score in his class (this should come as no surprise, given Bode's superior blood-line and math-oriented genes :-)

We were able to sneak away from work to come to the ceremony.  While not Oscar-esque, it was still very enjoyable.  First, we have Bode walking up to receive his award.
Next we have the little guy getting his certificate.
The winners from Mr Glisson's class gathered together for a picture with Ms Brisbon, the school principal.
Mr Glisson also gave his students their "double-blackbelt" awards.  The kids can do some extra math work called karate math.  The double-blackbelts are for the students that earned their blackbelts in both multiplication and division.
Bode had a swim-meet yesterday.  He swam in four events, and set personal bests in each of the events.  In the 50-freestyle, he dropped 18 seconds off his best time and swam a 38.1.  In the 25-butterfly, he dropped a second and swam a 20.06.  In the 50-back, he dropped 1 second and swam a 45.  Finally, in the 200-free, he dropped 30 seconds and swam a 3:30 (he said he was exhausted at the end).  He also took fourth place overall, and earned a spot on the podium and a little medal.  He was very proud (as were we :-)  First we have Bode getting his medal
Next, we have Bode on the podium with the other finishers.
Not much going on here today.  I think I'll try to go to the gym and then the grocery store.  Ashley has started packing up some of our rooms in preparation for the big move to Florida.  I haven't started yet, as I will pack over spring break (and hopefully the longer I put it off, the more she will do :-)  Pleasant week to all.

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