Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Fourth Grade

Bode started the 4th grade last Thursday.  His teacher is Mister Glisson, and he is a very likeable guy.  Bode said he's not as strict as his 3rd grade teacher, so hopefully Bode will thrive in an environment where his creativity isn't stymied (which is code for a less lenient teacher who will tolerate Bode's incessant yapping to his friends :-)  Here's Bode on the first day--such a handsome young man.
Bode's buddy, Tylen, is in the same class, so Bode is excited.  Eli, sadly (but likely for the best, as Bode said), is not, but they do get to play together at recess.  Bode said he wants to join the orchestra this year, so we went and picked him out a violin.  We will see how this goes.

Barkley is getting bigger and bigger, but she still loves to sleep on her back next to the door.
She's getting quite big--not quite bigger than Joey, but getting there.
The summer is quickly coming to an end.  I started classes yesterday (bah), and am already looking forward to the winter break.  I did a lot of work on the yard, putting in over 300 square feet of sod (yes, I cheated--growing from seed was not an option with the two beasts).  We think the yard looks pretty good.
With fall quickly approaching, Ashley is anxiously awaiting the start of the Auburn football season.  The mighty Tigers are ranked 12th in the AP preseason poll--that has to be a typo :-)  Pleasant week to all.

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