Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The Devilbiss's in Breck

Our dear friends Stew and Beth Devilbiss came to Breckenridge for a couple of days.  Stew and I go way back to our AFOTEC days in 2000 and also in Dayton from 2006 - 2012.  I don't know if we could have had a better time with them.  We met up on Sunday evening, and Stew and Beth treated us to some fine Mexican food at Mi Casa.  We needed the fuel because Monday morning, we rented some bikes and rode around Lake Dillon.  The weather could not have been better.  Here are some pictures.  First, Ashley and Beth getting ready to hit the road.
Next, we stopped for a picture in front of the water.  Like I said, it was a rather picturesque day.

We had a lovely ride and stopped in Dillon for lunch.  Afterwards, we headed back to town and took some pictures in the town center.
We then stopped in the Breckenridge Distillery for some free samples of whiskey.
And of course we had to have some cocktails before dinner.
After supper, we sat around talking, which was probably one of the best evenings we've had in a long time--no tv on, no Auburn game to watch (fret about); just reminiscing with old friends.  I was sad when Stew and Beth left on Tuesday, but a day with them and I was worn out!  Hopefully others will follow the Devilbiss lead and come visit the mountains.  Pleasant week to all.


The Albuquerque McGuirks came to Colorado Springs for a brief visit.  We had a nice barbecue at our house on Friday, and then on Saturday, Mom treated us to dinner and to Cirque de Soleil, which was very cool.  I was a bit remiss in my photog duties, but Ashley did get a picture or two--nothing spectacular, but enough to prove to a jury we were there :-)


The "circus," as Bode kept calling it, was very good--some amazing things people can do.  I think Pat and I were both grossed out by "the world's most flexible human."  We kept expecting his spine to just snap and that'd be the end of the show.

On Sunday, the ABQ clan was kind enough to take Bode home with them for the week.  We've talked to him a couple times, and it sounds like he's having a great time (but hopefully he misses us).  Pat was kind enough to send some pictures.  First, a bit of a blurry one, but one of the two younglings playing cards.
Next, more of the same with Devin and Bode making pizzas.
I'll probably go and get Bode on Sunday.  Ashley and I aren't up to much.  She's working and I'm not, which doesn't seem all that fair (even I can admit that).  I am taking care of the pups, who are getting along smashingly well.
We are still working on the house-training, but otherwise, she seems to be a pretty mellow dog.  We probably have Joey to thank for that, as he's been playing with her almost non-stop.  Here's hoping we get her trained soon :-)

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Summer Time

I feel like a kid again--summer vacation!  I haven't done anything work-productive since the middle of May...and I don't feel bad about it :-)  Yes, I do feel bad that Ashley is being a model member of society, going to work every day, making a difference.  But I, too, am working--who do you think takes Bode to the pool?  And while at said pool, do I not also have to swim in the pool and play catch with him?   These things don't just take care of themselves ya know...

I have been doing some work around the house.  I put in a couple sprinkler system zones and am working on getting some sod installed.  I've also spent some quality time with Barkley.  Below is a picture from almost 10 days ago.  I say this because she's getting bigger every day.
Barkley and Joey have become the best of friends.  We are leaving the two of them outside when we go places.  They seem to be inseparable.  She didn't have any accidents in the house yesterday, but I don't think I'd trust her just yet (all in good time).  I did get a good movie of the two of them playing together.
Despite my heavy workload, I did manage to ease in a round of golf this week with Craig, an old friend from my Dayton days who recently retired from the USAF.  We both are strong supporters of the "no-work" philosophy, and we hope to play again in the coming weeks.
Bode has been doing a soccer camp this week.  He seems to enjoy it, and he's tired when he gets home, which is a win-win for all of us.  I got there early yesterday and got some pictures.
The garden is going well--I'll try to take some pictures of the yard and post.  It's quite a change from two years ago :-)  Pleasant week to all (and don't work too hard if you're one of the work-force)...