Saturday, December 31, 2016

Final Post of 2016

As has become the tradition, the final post of 2016 has Bode's school picture.  This year, we get a treat and also have his soccer picture.  It's always fun to look back on the years and see how Bode has changed, but also how much his features have remained.
2016 was a decent year.  I'm still a bit down because we lost Harley, but I guess you have to play the ball life serves you.  Sometimes you'll do great, and sometimes that ball will smack you in the man-parts and leave you crying.  However, it is always a great year when it ends and Ashley and Bode (and Joey) still put up with all my idiosyncrasies.  We are looking forward to an amazing 2017 and some exciting adventures.

Happy New Year to All!

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