Sunday, September 11, 2016

Some Missed Posts

It's almost mid-September, and I haven't posted anything since early August.  I wish I could say it's because I've been busy doing all sorts of things...but I think I've just been lazy.  This first post, I'm going to post some pictures of some things that happened back in August.

There's a new indoor go-kart racetrack in Colorado Springs.  We decided to check it out.  Bottom line first is that it was pretty cool, and Bode liked the driving experience.  However, neither Ashley nor I did any driving because 1) there are separate races for kids under 16 and 2) it's a bit pricey (and Ashley gets enough drag-racing done when she's in her little rocket sled).  But Bode had a good time, even though he wasn't super risky.  He was probably the youngest person in the race, and I don't think he liked it when he got bumped.  But all in all, an enjoyable experience.  Now for some pictures.  First is Bode getting fit for a helmet.
Next we have Bode coming out of pit-row as the race is about to start.
And finally, an action shot.  Note how blurry the picture is, likely due to the tremendous speed Bode was carrying into the turn.
School started up towards the end of August.  The weekend before, Ashley and Bode spent a weekend up in Breckenridge.  They had a lovely time--went for a bike ride, saw some street art, and even went ice-skating.  First, Bode doing some goofy stuff by some neat animal art.
Next, a nice one of Bode and Mommy just chilling in the shade.
Bode and Ashley went for both a bike ride and ice-skating.  Safety first in this family :-)
Ashley and Bode had a wonderful time in Breckenridge, although I think Bode had a hard fall right at the end of their little ice-skating adventure.  

Sadly, summer had to come to an end, and Bode headed back to school.  He's now in 3rd grade, which is amazing.  He's not a fan of school--says it's boring, but I guess I sad the same thing when I was a kid.  Here's Bode before his first day of school with both Mommy and me.
Little man is getting so grown up :-)  Note my attire.  I have started my new job at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.  It's nice--like most jobs, I wouldn't do it if I wasn't paid, but it gives me something to do during the day :-)  Ashley is still doing her job at Harris, although I know she'd like to be a snow-bum.  We'll see if we can make that happen.  Pleasant week to all.

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